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Philip Kerr
Author of the Bernie Gunther Mystery Books,
Crime Fiction Series Set in Nazi Europe
Master of the Historical Mystery
Philip Kerr is best known for the Bernie Gunther Mystery Books, most of which take place in Nazi-Occupied Europe.
Kerr, who was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, developed an interest in German history in graduate school. Some years later, while working as an advertising copy writer, Kerr began to research a novel about a Berlin cop set in 1936. This became the award-winning Bernie Gunther series. 
The city of Berlin is as much a character as any of the people in the Gunther books. Kerr explains: "I loved Berlin before the wall came down; I'm pretty fond of the place now, but back then it was perhaps the most atmospheric city on earth. Having a dark, not to say black, sense of humor myself, it's always been somewhere I feel very comfortable."*

Prague Fatale (2011, Bernie Gunther Mystery Books #8)
FINALIST! 2012 Historical Dagger Award

Field Gray (2010, Bernie Gunther Mystery Books #7)
FINALIST! 2012 Edgar Award for Best Mystery

If the Dead Rise Not (2009, Bernie Gunther Mystery Books #6)
WINNER! 2009 Historical Dagger Award
WINNER! 2010 Barry Award for Best British Crime Novel
FINALIST! 2011 Shamus Award for Best Novel
WINNER! RBA International Prize for Crime Writing

March Violets (1989, Bernie Gunther Mystery Books #1)
FINALIST! 1989 New Blood Dagger Award

Author  Philip Kerr
Above: Author  Philip Kerr

Philip's Crime Series

Bernie Gunther Mystery Books
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